IPG’s vision for the transportation market is to be a world leader in performance masking, surface protection and complementary products. Our customer commitment is to deliver solutions that increase productivity, maintain product integrity, improve company image, and contain cost. Our mission is to provide high quality products that meet the stringent demands of the transportation industry while understanding the changing needs of our customers.

As one of the leading suppliers with over 50 years of manufacturing experience in the area of performance pressure sensitive tapes for masking and surface protection, our products are compatible and proven to perform with a wide variety of advanced coatings available in the transportation industry.

A Passion for Innovation

Innovative solutions are clearly the primary emphasis at IPG. Our specialists and application experts are trained to analyze the production process to develop tailor-made solutions. So no matter what you manufacture – Bus, Truck, RV, Specialty Vehicle, Automotive OEM or tier suppliers such as interior or exterior trim, engines and power train components, electrical and electronic parts or body panels – Intertape Polymer Group has the right solution for you.


Bonding and Mounting Application

Bonding & Mounting - Transportation

IPG’s line of high-performance double coated products are used in a number of applications such as gasket attachment, component assembly,...

Allgemeine Verpackung - Anwendung

Allgemeine Verpackung - Transport

At IPG, our packaging products are with you every step of the way. Let us help you showcase your brand...

Allgemeine Lackier- und Transportanwendungen

Allgemeine Lackieranwendungen

There are many applications for tapes used in the manufacturing of trucks, buses, automotive and specialty vehicles. Often times a...

Allgemeine Prozessanwendung

General Process Applications

There are many applications for tapes used in the manufacturing of trucks, buses, automotive and specialty vehicles. Often times a...

Masking Transportation Application


Masking tape is one of the most widely used “hand tools” available. As a result, IPG has focused on manufacturing...

Strahlmittelanwendung für die Luft- und Raumfahrt

Media Blast - Transportation

Media blast tapes adhere to the surface, absorb all of the energy it’s exposed to without becoming brittle and remove...

Powder Coating Transportation Application

Powder Coating - Transportation

Bei Pulverbeschichtungsverfahren treten hohe Temperaturen auf und es treten Oberflächen auf, die schwierig zu haften sind. IPG kombiniert Temperaturbeständigkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit...

Transport – Schützen und Halten

Schützen und Halten

IPG offers paper masking tapes for the protection of exterior surfaces (UV protection) and flatback tape for interior surfaces. Our...

Lagerung VCI-empfindlicher Teile

Sensitive Parts Storage - Transportation

Unsere VCI2000 ® -Produkte werden mit 100 % nitritfreien Chemikalien behandelt und verhindern viele Jahre lang Korrosion auf den meisten Eisen- und Nichteisenmetallen ...

UV Masking Application


At IPG, we understand the risks and costs associated with a product that doesn’t provide adequate UV protection. To combat...