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NovaShield 400 FRU – RU88X-6(FR)
Flame Retardant Membrane Structure Fabric with Armorkote™
Flame Retardant Coating – NovaShield™ membrane structure fabric with flame retardant coating and ArmorKote™ for superior abrasion resistance. Designed for long life UV exposure. Perfect for warehouse and manufacturing facilities, marine storage, and the mining industry. Available in white and a range of colors. Warranty: 15 year limited warranty
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NovaShield 400 Series – RU88X-6
Membrane Structure Fabric with Armorkote™
For over 20 years NovaShield™ 400 has been the structure membrane of choice for applications such as Sports & Recreation, Commercial, Industrial, Municipal, Military and Agricultural building solutions. Designed with purpose in mind, NovaShield offers you brute strength in a membrane exterior while affording you a light, airy appearance inside...
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NovaShield ELITE
Heavyweight Membrane Structure Fabric
NovaShield Elite is our heavyweight 13.8 oz non-FR fabric. With an advanced platform, Elite is the result of five years of research & development, ensuring we created a product that meets today’s demands. NovaShield Elite Series of products have an additional layer of defense with an ArmorKote film on the...
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NovaShield ELITE FR Plus
Heavyweight Membrane Structure Fabric
NovaShield Elite FR PLUS* is our highest level of Flame Retardant Membrane. NovaShield Elite Series of products have an additional layer of defense with an ArmorKote film on the exterior side which provides the ultimate in protection against UV, abrasion and the elements. The Elite Series offers our best warranty...
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NovaShield TL FRU210
Membrane Structure Tent Fabric
NovaShield® FRU210 TL is our lightweight 4.9 oz. woven coated clear scrim fabric with enhanced UV protection and flame retardancy. Makes for faster installations and fabrication of the sidewall. Tent sidewalls require the largest quantity of fabric needed for an event tent. It’s an excellent choice for applications that require...
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NovaShield TL FRU8-6
Membrane Structure Tent Fabric
NovaShield® TL with ArmorKote™ is an excellent solution for event tent sidewall applications. Tent sidewalls require the largest quantity of fabric needed for an event tent. At half the weight of competing sidewall products, Novashield TL makes for faster installations and fabrication of the sidewall. It’s an excellent choice for...
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House Wrap / Building Wrap
NovaWrap is a 100% synthetic building wrap and an integral part of the Tuck Air & Moisture Management System that ensures superior builder and owner satisfaction. It contributes to weather-tightness and provides energy efficiency in buildings for the life of the structure. Tuck NovaWrap is a non-woven, nonperforated polypropylene fabric...
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Palisade SA-HT
Self-Adhered Roof Underlayment
PALISADE SA-HT ist eine selbstklebende, hochtemperaturbeständige (250 °F) Unterlage für Anwendungen mit steilen Hängen und bietet umfassenden wasserdichten Schutz für Dachterrassen. PALISADE SA-HT wurde entwickelt, um den modernsten Allwetter-Laufbelag mit hoher Bodenhaftung auf dem Markt zu bieten. Er verfügt über STRONGHOLD ™ eine patentierte Oberfläche mit einem einzigartigen Muster aus...
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Palisade Synthetic Underlayment
Synthetic Roof Underlayment
PALISADE ist eine vierlagige Kunststoff-Unterlage in Premiumqualität für Steildächer. Es ist so konstruiert, dass es die modernste Allwetter-Lauffläche mit hoher Traktion auf dem Markt bietet und über die STRONGHOLD Skid Resistant Technology ® verfügt, eine patentierte Oberfläche mit einem einzigartigen Muster aus Polymerpunkten und einer griffigeren Rückseite.
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Polyethylene 142gsm
Paper Back Lumber Wrap
Polyethylene 142gsm Paper Back Lumber Wrap is a high strength fabric consisting of a reinforcing polyethylene scrim laminated to Kraft paper on the back and coated with polyethylene on the upper side.
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Polyethylene 95gsm
Polyethylene Lumber Wrap
A high strength, lightweight coated fabric consisting of a reinforcing polyethylene scrim coated with polyethylene on both sides.
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Premium 120gsm
Polypropylene Lumber Wrap
A high strength lightweight coated fabric consisting of a reinforcing polypropylene scrim coated with polypropylene on both sides.
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