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WAT Dispenser Water Fill System
Der Hydro Cart ist ein mobiler Wasserträger mit eingebauter Pumpe und Batterie, mit dem Sie Wasser an jeden beliebigen Ort in Ihrer Anlage transportieren können. Es ist für die Verwendung mit einer Bewässerungsdüse konzipiert und stellt somit eine ideale Ergänzung für Ihren Verpackungs- oder Fulfillment-Betrieb dar. Die einfache Bedienung des Hydro Carts...
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Indoor Carpet Tape
Specialty Double-Coated Carpet Tape
Dünne, flexible Vinylfolie (PVC), die beidseitig mit einem aggressiven, druckempfindlichen Naturkautschukkleber beschichtet ist. Hervorragende Hafteigenschaften und gute Anfangshaftung ermöglichen eine sofortige, dauerhafte Verbindung mit einer Vielzahl von Oberflächen (einschließlich unregelmäßiger und poröser Oberflächen). Verfügt über eine leicht ablösbare, behandelte/feuchtigkeitsbeständige Flachrückseite (weiß). Das Produkt ist nicht...
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Iron Grip (AC617)
17 Mil Premium Duct Tape
Polyethylene (PE) coated cloth duct tape with an aggressive pressure-sensitive natural rubber adhesive adheres well to a wide variety of surfaces under a wide range of temperature conditions. Designed to meet demanding applications. Easy dispensing from roll.
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Iron Grip Duct Tape
Heavy Duty Premium Duct Tape
Iron Grip™ 17 mil premium duct tape is a polyethylene (PE) coated cloth tape with an aggressive pressure-sensitive natural rubber adhesive which adheres well to a wide variety of surfaces under a wide range of temperature conditions.
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Iron Grip Duct Tape 10yd
Heavy Duty Premium Duct Tape
Iron Grip™ 17 mil premium duct tape is a polyethylene (PE) coated cloth tape with an aggressive pressure-sensitive natural rubber adhesive which adheres well to a wide variety of surfaces under a wide range of temperature conditions.
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Iron Grip Duct Tape Viertelpalette
Heavy Duty Premium Duct Tape
Iron Grip™ 17 mil premium duct tape is a polyethylene (PE) coated cloth tape with an aggressive pressure-sensitive natural rubber adhesive which adheres well to a wide variety of surfaces under a wide range of temperature conditions.
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Iron Grip Silicone Tape
Self-Fusing Silicone Rubber Tape
Iron Grip® Silicone Tape is a self-fusing repair tape that conforms to any surface while providing a water-tight seal. It is easy to remove, leaves no sticky residue and protects from corrosion.
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Data Collection System with Low Tape / No Tape Monitoring
Knowledge is power. When combined with the ETX tape head, IPG’s iTrack™ System monitors and reports data to improve your equipment’s efficiency. This versatile, adaptive system is easy to set up and works with almost all case sealing equipment. iTrack operates within its own network, while remote cellular connectivity allows...
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Jobsite DUCTape
Contractor Grade Utility Duct Tape
Jobsite DUCTape™ is a 9 mil all-purpose duct tape for general maintenance applications such as wrapping and sealing, weather proofing, binding and bundling. Available in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, olive drab, silver and white.
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Jobsite DUCTape Quarter Pallet
Contractor Grade Utility Duct Tape
Jobsite DUCTape™ is a 9 mil all-purpose duct tape for general maintenance applications such as wrapping and sealing, weather proofing, binding and bundling. Available in red, orange, yellow, green, blue, black, olive drab, silver and white.
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Foam with Film Laminated Backing
Lamifoam combines the cushioning properties of foam with a film laminated to the back side of the foam.
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Made in the USA Tape
Printed 240 Reinforced Water-Activated Tape
3-Wege-Glasfaserverstärktes Kartonverschlussband aus natürlichem Kraftpapier, hergestellt mit wasseraktiviertem Klebstoff.
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