ALF150LUtility Aluminum Foil Tape with Liner

A general purpose aluminum foil tape with high tack pressure-sensitive rubber based adhesive. For seaming and sealing fiberglass duct board and duct wrap to enhance appearance and maintain vapor barrier integrity. Recommended minimum application temperature 40ºF (4°C). The shiny aluminum backing offers excellent reflective properties (i.e. heat, light). White SCK liner.


HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) applications. For use also in Industrial, Appliance, Marine and Aerospace industries. ** Tape is best applied using plastic squeegee (99982)


Montage / Gefrierschrankmontage Flexibler Kanal General Process Applications HVAC Duct Sealing Products Isolierung MRO OEM – Herstellung Klempnerarbeiten Kühlung/Elektrik Reparatur Starrer Kanal Blech


Luft- und Raumfahrt Gerät Allgemeine Fertigung Heizungs-, Lüftungs- und Klimatechnik Transport