The specialized coating used in the AquaMaster product line provides advanced chemical and hydrostatic resistance, plus the woven reinforcement provides superior tensile, interface shear, puncture and tear strength. Whether your installation is in the arid regions of the American Southwest or the Canadian Arctic the exclusive AquaMaster geomembrane product line can stand up to some of the harshest environments.

AquaMaster geomembrane mining liners are available in wide widths and can be factory fabricated and transported to the worksite. This helps reduce the amount of field seaming required and can translate to big savings in installation costs. The light weight construction of AquaMaster also helps reduce transportation costs.

AquaMaster Geomembrane Mining Applications:

  • Protective covers
  • Lagunen zur Speicherung von überschüssigem Grundwasser
  • Barren and processing ponds
  • Heap leach pads
  • Caps and interlift covers
  • Rehabilitation and reclamation
  • Entwässerungssysteme
  • Overburden storage
  • Tailings storage
  • Environmental protection applications
  • Processing ponds
  • Und viele mehr

AquaMaster Geomembrane Mining Advantages:

  • Leichtbauweise für einfachere und kostengünstigere Installation und Transport
  • Industry leading warranties
  • Exceptional tear, chemical and puncture resistance
  • Superior interface shear properties
  • Technologically designed for UV resistance
  • Fabrikgefertigt
  • PE40 und PE45 haben eine fünfschichtige Struktur mit einer einzigartigen inneren Barriereschicht, die durch zwei Verstärkungsschichten geschützt ist

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